Musical Instruments
MLC School offers instrumental music lessons in over 20 instruments to current MLC School students. Lessons are conducted by fully qualified, professional musicians.
Students learning an instrument through the Music Department of MLC School set off on a pathway to acquire skills which will enrich their lives and take part in a stimulating environment of quality music making.
Learning an Instrument at MLC School
Students electing to have private music lessons are committing to the full year of tuition (ie. up until the end of Term 4). Should a student withdraw from private music lessons, the Music Department needs a term's notice. Changes to a student’s tuition must be approved in advance by the Director of Music.
MLC School has a system of internal assessment and reporting for private music tuition. This involves a composite evaluation of individual performance, group activities, ensemble attendance and studio concerts. Students are given reports on their progress at the end of each semester.
Performance is integral to the music lesson program. Students must satisfy the participation requirements in terms of Studio Concerts, Instrumental and Voice Festivals and consistent attendance and involvement in school ensembles.
Students learning an instrument or singing, must participate in at least one School Ensemble - Symphony Orchestra, Sinfonia, Symphonic Wind Band, Concert Band, and Senior Choir. Junior School ensembles include Junior School String Orchestras (comprising of Allegro Strings, Presto Strings and Junior Chamber Strings), and Junior School Choir - Angeli. Jazz Ensembles include Stage Band, Jazz Ensemble and Junior Jazz Band.
Practise Commitment
Private music tuition is a serious commitment and requires an undertaking on the part of the student to carry out all practice tasks set by the teacher and to attend lessons and associated activities.
Practicalities for Lessons and Instruments
Private music tuition is given on the basis of 32 lessons per year, or the equivalent of eight lessons per term.
Students are assigned to a teacher by the Head of Strings, Head of Bands or Head of Keyboard. It is expected that parents liaise with the student’s teacher to ensure that clear lines of communication are established to inform the teacher about any absences for excursions, exams or sickness.
If you need to cancel a lesson, 48 hours notice must be given. Please note that lessons missed without prior notification may not be made up by the teacher. This includes lessons missed due to equipment/instruments being forgotten.
Extra lessons can be given (and are charged separately) after the 32 designated lessons have been given.
Lesson Times
It is MLC School policy that student's Music lessons are timetabled on a rotation basis, minimising time away from any one subject. Senior students in Year 11 and Year 12 have fixed lessons in their spare periods.
Instrument Hire
It is recommended that each student has their own instrument. There are a limited number of instruments for hire from MLC School. These are available for a maximum of one year. Any loss or damage of school instruments must be borne by the parents. Instrument accessories (and the replacement of them) ie reeds, strings etc are the responsibility of the student.
If you wish to hire an instrument, please discuss the availability of an instrument on 02 8741 3123 with the Head of Strings, James Larsen, Head of Bands Jamie Castrisos or the Music Administrator.
The cost of hiring an instrument will be determined at the market rate. Payment for the first term of hire must be made online by credit card, after which MLC School students can elect for the hire fee to be charged to the school fees account.
Fee Payments
The full yearly tuition fee is divided into four payments and must be paid in advance at the beginning of each term. The first term’s fees must be paid online by credit card. Students attending MLC School can elect to have their fees for Terms 2, 3 and 4 charged to the School fees account.
For more information
Contact the MLC School Music department via email or on 02 8741 3123.