Our mission is to educate and inspire young women to be fearless thinkers with moral courage and compassion, to be agents of change in their own lives and the lives of others.

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Meet the Principal

Ms Lisa Moloney is a strong and compassionate educator, with a career that has taken her across Australia and overseas.

She holds a Bachelor of Education in Environmental Science, a Graduate Diploma in Music Education and a Master's Degree in Educational Leadership. Lisa is the Deputy Chair of Round Square Board.

Before joining MLC School as Principal in January 2018, Lisa was Principal of St Paul's Anglican Grammar School in Victoria. She has also held roles of Deputy Principal, Head of High School and Director of Strategic Planning at Radford College in Canberra.

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2020-2024 Strategic Plan 


2020-2024 Strategic Plan is informed by feedback from our whole School surveys, research into the world into which our girls will graduate and is mindful of the strong legacy of MLC School.

The Council, Principal, Executive and staff of MLC School worked for almost 15 months to develop the 2020–2024 MLC School Strategic Plan. The power that comes from a collective statement about our future cannot be underestimated. Our vision is clear: The MLC School girl is at the heart of everything we do.

All decisions made will be guided by this single intent.

The 2020–2024 MLC School Strategic Plan reframes our values, establishes our goals, defines the pillars and outlines the enabling strategies to ensure we achieve our vision for the MLC School girl.

As each girl graduates, she will be:

  • Compassionate to herself, interacting with others with kindness and celebrating diversity
  • Courageous in her pursuits, expressing herself honestly and with integrity to live a life with purpose
  • Capable of navigating change, showing leadership in adapting to the multiple paths that her future will take
  • Connected to the legacy of MLC School, using it to inspire her to be an agent of change in her world

To see more about our vision, our goals and how this plan places the MLC School girl at the heart of everything we do view the MLC School Strategic Plan.

MLC School Strategic Plan

Our Results

MLC School is proudly non-selective. Our girls are encouraged to pursue their interests, extend themselves in new directions and, in their final years, choose the academic pathway that suits them best.

The School offers both the Higher School Certificate (HSC) and the International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB) in Year 11 and Year 12. In 2021, 12 girls achieved an ATAR of 99.95. We believe this is the most 45s awarded to a school in Australia in IB History.In 2020, the School was named No 1 IB School in Australia and a Top 50 Global IB School.

Naturally, we are always extremely are very proud of the academic achievements of our students. However, our aim has always been to prepare our students for success in their life beyond the school walls, so most importantly, MLC School alumnae contribute to improving the lives of others and the world in general, they have the skills and confidence to leave rich, fulfilling lives. Read about the many success stories that belong to MLC School women here.

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Latest News

1964 Bronwyn Brown_Henry_2024 Photo- Alan Lee_WEB NEWS

Bronwyn Brown (Henry, 1964) OAM

MLC School is thrilled to announce that another of our Old Girls, Bronwyn Brown (Henry, 1964), was recognised in the Australia Day 2024 Honours with a Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) “For service to the community through music.”


  • Music and the Arts
  • Community
  • Achievements